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16 posts tagged with "prisma"

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Building an Admin Console With Minimum Code Using React-Admin, Prisma, and Zenstack

· 13 min read
Co-founder of ZenStack

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Building a customer-facing application is exciting. But it's not much fun when it comes to the admin console part. However, almost every serious app requires some sort of admin console for operation needs. It doesn't need to be slick in design or have blazing-fast performance. The main focus should be reliability, cost-effectiveness, and extensibility.

There are many different types of admin consoles. In this post, we'll discuss the most common ones: those that allow non-technical people to make changes to the database and ensure proper permission management at the same time.

Modeling Authorization in Prisma - No Theory, Just Code

· 13 min read
Co-founder of ZenStack

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Authorization is a special topic for software development. You'll get many theories about different patterns if you do a search: their pros and cons. However, it's surprisingly difficult to find concrete examples to follow. It's mainly because the detailed approach highly depends on your specific application: its domain models, unique security requirements, and its choice of framework.

This post aims to fill the gap by targeting Prisma - the most popular ORM for TypeScript developers. By narrowing it down to a specific toolkit and language, we can explain the concepts more efficiently using code instead of words.

Tackling Polymorphism in Prisma

· 12 min read
Co-founder of ZenStack

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EDIT 4/25/2024: the feature has been released in ZenStack V2.

Prisma is a beloved ORM for NodeJS developers. As with every popular open-source project, it has a long wishlist. Here are two prominent examples:

They are about the same thing and have received at least 1000 reactions in total. The ask is for modeling an inheritance hierarchy in the database. ORM’s responsibility is to fix the gap between the two world views: "table + relations" and "object-oriented". Polymorphism is an obvious missing piece in its mission.

From Prisma to TanStack Query: Fast Lane to Full-Stack Type Safety

· 6 min read
Co-founder of ZenStack

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Prisma is one of the most popular ORMs in the NodeJS world - loved by many for its intuitive data modeling and flexible query APIs. It shines for its concise and powerful syntax for querying relational data, and one great feature of it is to precisely infer the types of query results. Here's an example:

// `todos` is typed as `(Todo & { owner: User })[]`
const todos = await prisma.todo.findMany({
where: { published: true },
include: { owner: true }

TanStack Query (previously named react-query) is a widely used frontend data query library that greatly simplifies how we fetch, cache, and bind data when working with APIs. It also has excellent TypeScript support, allowing you to build fully typed data query hooks. Prisma and TanStack Query are frequently used together in a full-stack application.

Drizzle or Prisma? I Built an App Twice to Find Out Which Is Better

· 10 min read
Co-founder of ZenStack

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For TypeScript lovers, Prisma has been the perfect solution for building database-centric applications for quite a while. But recently, a new challenger has emerged. If you've been closely tracking the ORM space, you've probably heard of Drizzle, a new ORM being popularized by its flexibility, performance and better user experience. In this article, I'll quest for a comparison. Following the "Show, Don't Tell" mantra, I'll achieve it by building the same API twice, with Drizzle and Prisma, respectively.

Building a Secure RESTful API Using NestJS and Prisma With Minimum Code

· 11 min read
Co-founder of ZenStack

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NestJS is a great framework. It's versatile, rock solid, and thoroughly documented. You can build pretty much any backend with it: RESTful, GraphQL, WebSocket, Microservice, etc. Among everything, building APIs above databases is still one of the top tasks of backend developers. With the rise of Prisma ORM, more and more people are pairing it with NestJS to get the job done - more efficiently and pleasantly, thanks to Prisma's superb DX.

You can't miss this article if that's the combo you're using or plan to use. I'll demonstrate three approaches to building a secure RESTful API, starting with the most traditional one, and then progressively show how to reduce the amount of code we write and achieve a better result.

ZenStack: The Complete Authorization Solution for Prisma Projects

· 11 min read
Co-founder of ZenStack

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Yes, authorization. It's like the "salad part" of your diet - you know it's vital and indispensable but struggle to enjoy. Implementing authorization doesn't need to be a fancy job. Just roll up your sleeves and turn business rules into code. We've all been there at some point and all been hurt by the consequences:

  • What will be broken if I move this check to a different place?
  • Where's the best place to stuff in this new piece of rule?
  • We need to add a new resource type. How can it inherit the existing rules?

How to Host a RESTful API on Vercel

· 18 min read
Co-founder of ZenStack

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Vercel is a fantastic cloud platform that stands out from the crowd by its simplicity and excellent developer experience. One reason for its success is the intense focus on full-stack Javascript web apps. However, that doesn't mean you can't deploy a headless service on Vercel.

In this post, let's have fun building a secure database-centric RESTful API with Express.js, Prisma, and ZenStack, and deploying it onto Vercel. We'll also leverage the new Vercel Postgres offering for data persistence.