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6 posts tagged with "orm"

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End-To-End Polymorphism: From Database to UI, Achieving SOLID Design

· 14 min read
Co-founder of ZenStack

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Polymorphism Is the Key To Open-Closed Principle

The three fundamental pillars of Object-Oriented Programming(OOP) are Encapsulation, Inheritance, and Polymorphism. Polymorphism is likely the least-mentioned concept, possibly because this term is not frequently used in daily life. However, it is actually the most important one because it is the key to achieving compliance with the Open-Closed Principle (OCP) in OOP.

Modeling Authorization in Prisma - No Theory, Just Code

· 13 min read
Co-founder of ZenStack

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Authorization is a special topic for software development. You'll get many theories about different patterns if you do a search: their pros and cons. However, it's surprisingly difficult to find concrete examples to follow. It's mainly because the detailed approach highly depends on your specific application: its domain models, unique security requirements, and its choice of framework.

This post aims to fill the gap by targeting Prisma - the most popular ORM for TypeScript developers. By narrowing it down to a specific toolkit and language, we can explain the concepts more efficiently using code instead of words.

Tackling Polymorphism in Prisma

· 12 min read
Co-founder of ZenStack

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EDIT 4/25/2024: the feature has been released in ZenStack V2.

Prisma is a beloved ORM for NodeJS developers. As with every popular open-source project, it has a long wishlist. Here are two prominent examples:

They are about the same thing and have received at least 1000 reactions in total. The ask is for modeling an inheritance hierarchy in the database. ORM’s responsibility is to fix the gap between the two world views: "table + relations" and "object-oriented". Polymorphism is an obvious missing piece in its mission.

Drizzle or Prisma? I Built an App Twice to Find Out Which Is Better

· 10 min read
Co-founder of ZenStack

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For TypeScript lovers, Prisma has been the perfect solution for building database-centric applications for quite a while. But recently, a new challenger has emerged. If you've been closely tracking the ORM space, you've probably heard of Drizzle, a new ORM being popularized by its flexibility, performance and better user experience. In this article, I'll quest for a comparison. Following the "Show, Don't Tell" mantra, I'll achieve it by building the same API twice, with Drizzle and Prisma, respectively.

Prisma + ZenStack: An Alternative to PostgREST

· 5 min read
Co-founder of ZenStack

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Most web apps only consist of two things: a frontend UI and a backend transaction system. And most of the time, the "backend" is just a glorified intermediary that reads from and writes to a database. So a naive question is raised: why do I need that intermediary? Why can't I just expose the database directly to the frontend?

Yes, you can! PostgREST is built exactly for that purpose.

Three Ways to Secure Database APIs: Which Is Right for You?

· 7 min read
Co-founder of ZenStack

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Implementing security is one of those tasks in software engineering, which we all know its importance, but often don't spend enough energy to do it right. Who wants to build features that users can't see? However, the uneasy feeling will just keep haunting you, and someday you'll pay the price for your negligence. Data breaching is one of the best ways to ruin customers' trust and devastate a business. So better be a responsible programmer and implement the necessary measures from the beginning. But how?