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7 posts tagged with "api"

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The Many Ways Not to Build an API

· 6 min read
Co-founder of ZenStack

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Building an API is one of the most important things one learns when getting into backend development. There are many good reasons why the entire industry pays so much attention to this topic - styles, transport, security, extensibility, documentation, testing, etc. A good set of APIs allow your application to work great not only through the UI, but also in headless mode, enabling endless integration opportunities for your users.

How To Get Type-Safe Frontend Queries Like GraphQL Without GraphQL Using Typescript

· 4 min read
Co-founder of ZenStack

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Fading of API

I previously wrote a post about the history of APIs:

A Brief History of API: RPC, REST, GraphQL, tRPC

I still believe that GraphQL is the most efficient solution for a big project with separate or multiple front-end and back-end teams. However, after my partner and I left our last company, it was mainly just the two of us working on the full-stack project. Therefore, we prefer to leverage the "integrated" APIs of full-stack frameworks like getServerSideProps, loader, and load functions (I bet at least you know one of them 😄). When necessary, we will use tRPC as a complementary. The overall experience is quite neat as you almost forget about API design and implementation.

How Modern SQL Databases Are Changing Web Development - #2 New Ways to Program

· 7 min read
Co-founder of ZenStack

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SQL databases have been powering the web since their inception. The combination of strict schema, ACID transactions, and strong integrity makes it still the best storage choice for many apps even today. Database systems, albeit sounding unfathomable and dull, have been a highly vibrant domain in the past few years. Lots of talents are devoted to it, open source projects are created one after another, companies have been striving to build profitable businesses, and VCs have been making bets on those who look like the next unicorns.

Under the flourishing surface, the new generation of modern SQL databases is renovating this 50-year-old technology and gradually reshaping how we build web applications - what we do with it, how we manage it, and the way we program against it. This series of articles tries to explore this topic from multiple fronts, including:

Let’s talk about how we program against the database today.

Building a Secure RESTful API Using NestJS and Prisma With Minimum Code

· 11 min read
Co-founder of ZenStack

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NestJS is a great framework. It's versatile, rock solid, and thoroughly documented. You can build pretty much any backend with it: RESTful, GraphQL, WebSocket, Microservice, etc. Among everything, building APIs above databases is still one of the top tasks of backend developers. With the rise of Prisma ORM, more and more people are pairing it with NestJS to get the job done - more efficiently and pleasantly, thanks to Prisma's superb DX.

You can't miss this article if that's the combo you're using or plan to use. I'll demonstrate three approaches to building a secure RESTful API, starting with the most traditional one, and then progressively show how to reduce the amount of code we write and achieve a better result.

How to Host a RESTful API on Vercel

· 18 min read
Co-founder of ZenStack

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Vercel is a fantastic cloud platform that stands out from the crowd by its simplicity and excellent developer experience. One reason for its success is the intense focus on full-stack Javascript web apps. However, that doesn't mean you can't deploy a headless service on Vercel.

In this post, let's have fun building a secure database-centric RESTful API with Express.js, Prisma, and ZenStack, and deploying it onto Vercel. We'll also leverage the new Vercel Postgres offering for data persistence.

Prisma + ZenStack: An Alternative to PostgREST

· 5 min read
Co-founder of ZenStack

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Most web apps only consist of two things: a frontend UI and a backend transaction system. And most of the time, the "backend" is just a glorified intermediary that reads from and writes to a database. So a naive question is raised: why do I need that intermediary? Why can't I just expose the database directly to the frontend?

Yes, you can! PostgREST is built exactly for that purpose.

Three Ways to Secure Database APIs: Which Is Right for You?

· 7 min read
Co-founder of ZenStack

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Implementing security is one of those tasks in software engineering, which we all know its importance, but often don't spend enough energy to do it right. Who wants to build features that users can't see? However, the uneasy feeling will just keep haunting you, and someday you'll pay the price for your negligence. Data breaching is one of the best ways to ruin customers' trust and devastate a business. So better be a responsible programmer and implement the necessary measures from the beginning. But how?