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11 posts tagged with "fullstack"

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From Prisma to TanStack Query: Fast Lane to Full-Stack Type Safety

· 6 min read
Co-founder of ZenStack

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Prisma is one of the most popular ORMs in the NodeJS world - loved by many for its intuitive data modeling and flexible query APIs. It shines for its concise and powerful syntax for querying relational data, and one great feature of it is to precisely infer the types of query results. Here's an example:

// `todos` is typed as `(Todo & { owner: User })[]`
const todos = await prisma.todo.findMany({
where: { published: true },
include: { owner: true }

TanStack Query (previously named react-query) is a widely used frontend data query library that greatly simplifies how we fetch, cache, and bind data when working with APIs. It also has excellent TypeScript support, allowing you to build fully typed data query hooks. Prisma and TanStack Query are frequently used together in a full-stack application.

Is Next.js 13 + RSC a Good Choice? I Built an App Without Client-Side Javascript to Find Out

· 9 min read
Co-founder of ZenStack

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Next.js 13 ignited the first wave of attention to React Server Components (RSC) around the end of last year. Over time, other frameworks, like Remix and RedwoodJS, have also started to put RSC into their future road maps. However, the entire "moving computation to the server-side" direction of React/Next.js has been highly controversial from the very beginning.

With RSC and the (still experimental) server actions, it should be possible to build a full-stack app without any client-side Javascript code. How well does it really work? I set out to gain first-hand experience by rebuilding my favorite blogging app. Yes, it's a very simple app, but it could serve as a tangible way to understand the new patterns. At least part of it.

Streamlining Form Validation in Your Javascript Stack

· 8 min read
Co-founder of ZenStack

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Modern web applications often intensively deal with accepting and storing user-generated data. The interaction can happen by submitting forms, uploading files, or any other form of interactivity. Data validation is crucial to ensuring that the application functions correctly and securely. However, having separate validation logic in different places in the application stack makes the app more costly and harder to maintain.

An ideal solution would be to express the validation rules in a central place (close to where data is defined) and let it take effect in every application layer. In this post, I will demonstrate how to achieve this with the ZenStack toolkit.

Implementing Flexible Authorization in RedwoodJS Projects

· 7 min read
Co-founder of ZenStack

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RedwoodJS is an opinionated full-stack framework for building modern web applications. It makes some of the most critical decisions for you - like using React for UI development, GraphQL for API, and Prisma for database programming, etc. - so you can stop struggling with choices and focus on building your app.

Regarding authorization, RedwoodJS has built-in support for RBAC (Role-Based Access Control), which can work well for simple apps but can easily hit its limit for complex scenarios. In this article, we'll explore an alternative way of implementing authorization that may surprise you. Instead of doing it at the GraphQL API and service code level, we move it down to the ORM layer.

Where Did Microservices Go

· 10 min read
Co-founder of ZenStack

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When I quit Microsoft and joined the startup company in 2015, the first thing I learned is the concept of Microservices. It was touted as the future of software development, promising increased scalability, flexibility, and resilience. It seems everyone was jumping on the bandwagon, even the fledgling startups despite the inhere challenges involved. There was a joke about it:

There’s a thousand-line program here, we’ve got to break it to make it down into 10 hundred-line programs.

Migrating From Django to Next.js: What’s the Equivalent for Django-Guardian?

· 6 min read
Co-founder of ZenStack

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Django is a popular Python-based web framework. It’s a huge so-called “battery-included” framework covering many aspects of web development: authentication, ORM, forms, admin panels, etc. It’s also a strongly opinionated framework that offers patterns for almost everything you do, making you feel well-guided during development.

Modern Web Architecture Without a Backend — Using Supabase

· 7 min read
Co-founder of ZenStack

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Backend development is difficult for people who come entirely from a frontend background. The languages, frameworks, and tools differ, but more importantly, the frontend and backend systems have very different principles. Fortunately, a new generation of libraries and services is trying to fill the gap and simplify coding a backend by …, not coding it at all.