ZenStack provides you with a set of powerful tools to model the authorization aspects of your application. However, it can be challenging to understand why an operation is rejected or why a query gives seemingly incorrect results.
You can let ZenStack log all queries sent to the wrapped Prisma Client and use it to inspect the effect of your policy rules. To enable the logging, pass an extra logPrismaQuery
option when calling the enhance
const db = enhance(prisma, { user }, { logPrismaQuery: true });
The logs are output to the logger of Prisma Client with "info" level, so to be able to see it on the console, you'll also need to make sure it's turned on in the Prisma Client options:
const prisma = new PrismaClient({ log: ['info'] });
After setting these up, you should be able to see all Prisma queries ZenStack makes in the console.
🛠️ Debugging In REPL
The REPL environment provides a ".debug" command to turn on/off debugging output on the fly.
.auth { id: 1 }
You should see the Prisma queries injected by ZenStack printed in the console.
prisma:info [policy] `findMany` list:
where: {
AND: [
{ NOT: { OR: [] } },
OR: [
{ owner: { is: { id: 1 } } },
AND: [
space: {
members: {
some: { user: { is: { id: 1 } } }
{ NOT: { private: true } }