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Version: 2.x

Writing Plugins

The ZModel schema is the single source of truth for your data and access control. It can be used to generate many other valuable things based on your specific needs. In this part of the guide, we'll learn the fundamentals of how to write plugins and create a simple one that generates a markdown documentation from the ZModel schema.

Structure of a Plugin

A plugin is a Node.js module that has the following exports:

  1. [Required] A named export name that specifies the name of the plugin used for logging and error reporting.
  2. [Optional] A named export description that contains a short human-readable description of the plugin.
  3. [Required] A default function export containing the plugin logic.

Here's what a bare minimum plugin looks like:

import type { DMMF, PluginOptions } from '@zenstackhq/sdk';
import type { Model } from '@zenstackhq/sdk/ast';

export const name = 'My Plugin';

export default async function run(model: Model, options: PluginOptions, dmmf: DMMF.Document) {

When zenstack generate runs, it identifies all the plugins declared in the ZModel, loads their Javascript modules, and calls the default export functions. The following sections explain the arguments passed to the plugin function.

ZModel AST

The first input of the plugin function is the ZModel AST. It is the result object model of parsing and linking the ZModel schema - a tree structure containing all the information in the schema. Most plugins traverse the AST, extract information of interest, and transform it into another form.

The following diagram shows the (abbreviated) AST of a simple ZModel schema:

datasource db {
provider = 'sqlite'
url = ''

model User {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
posts Post[]

model Post {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
title String
author User @relation(fields: [authorId], references: [id])
authorId Int

@@allow('all', auth() == author)

The best way to understand the AST structure is to inspect the ZModel language definition.

Plugin Options

The second input of the plugin function is the options - an object containing the config fields that the plugin user specified in the ZModel. As a plugin developer, you should define and document what config options your plugin supports.

Prisma DMMF

The third input of the plugin function is the Prisma DMMF (Data Model Meta Format). DMMF is essentially Prisma Schema's AST enriched with other information needed to generate Prisma Client. It is the main API that developers use to write custom Prisma generators. However, the API is undocumented and considered internal.

For ZenStack plugins, the DMMF is provided as an auxiliary input. If you only need information from the ZModel schema, the ZModel AST is all you need. However, if you need to access types generated for the Prisma Client (e.g., the parameter shapes of prisma.user.findMany()), DMMF is the only way to get them. The best way to learn how to use DMMF is to study the source code of Prisma's community generators.

Adding Custom Attributes

A plugin can contribute custom attributes and functions to the ZModel language. To do that, simply include a plugin.zmodel file in the same directory as the plugin's entry point, and declare the attributes and functions there. Check here for an example. As a convention for conflict avoidance, please qualify the declaration names with your plugin name. E.g.:

attribute @@myplugin.include()

And you can use it in the ZModel when the plugin is enabled:

model Foo {


Publishing a Plugin

If your plugin is specific to your project, you can implement it inside the project and load it with a relative path in the ZModel. No publishing is needed. We'll see how to do that in the next section.

If you're building something reusable, please publish it as an NPM package and tweet us or reach us on Discord. We'll be happy to share your work with the community.

🛠️ Building a Markdown Generator Plugin

Let's build a simple plugin that generates a markdown documentation from the ZModel schema. The generated documentation will look like this:

# My Awesome Todo App

A multi-tenant Todo app built with ZenStack.

- [Space](#space)
- [User](#user)
- ...

## Space

- ❌ auth() == null
- ✅ true
- ❌ auth() == null
- ✅ members?[user == auth()]
- ❌ auth() == null
- ✅ members?[user == auth() && role == ADMIN]
- ❌ auth() == null
- ✅ members?[user == auth() && role == ADMIN]

## User


1. Creating the plugin

In our sample project, create a markdown-plugin.ts file at the root:

import { type PluginOptions } from '@zenstackhq/sdk';
import {
type DataModel,
type Model,
} from '@zenstackhq/sdk/ast';
import fs from 'fs';

export const name = 'Markdown';

export default async function run(model: Model, options: PluginOptions) {
// process options
const title = options.title ?? 'My Application Model';
const description = options.description ?? 'Description of my application';

// get all data models
const dataModels = model.declarations.filter((x): x is DataModel =>

// TOC
const toc = => `- [${}](#${})`).join('\n');

// data model docs
const dataModelDocs = generateDataModelDocs(dataModels);

`# ${title}




The code sets up the high-level structure of the markdown document. Let's now add the generateDataModelDocs function implementation in the same file.

import { ZModelCodeGenerator, getLiteral } from '@zenstackhq/sdk';
import { type DataModelAttribute } from '@zenstackhq/sdk/ast';

function generateDataModelDocs(dataModels: DataModel[]) {
// AST -> ZModel source generator
const zmodelCodeGen = new ZModelCodeGenerator();

// all CRUD operations
const CRUD = ['create', 'read', 'update', 'delete'];

const docs = => {
// first, group model attributes by CRUD operations
const groupByCrud = dataModel.attributes
.filter((attr) =>
['@@allow', '@@deny'].includes(attr.decl.ref?.name || '')
.reduce<Record<string, DataModelAttribute[]>>((group, attr) => {
const ops = getLiteral<string>(attr.args[0].value);
if (ops) {
const splitOps =
ops == 'all'
: ops.split(',').map((op) => op.trim());

splitOps.forEach((op) => {
group[op] = group[op] || [];

return group;
}, {});

// then generate rules for each operation
const policies = => {
const rules = groupByCrud[op]
? groupByCrud[op]
// output `@@deny` before `@@allow`
.sort((a) => {
return a.decl.ref?.name == '@@deny' ? -1 : 1;
(attr) =>
` - ${
attr.decl.ref?.name == '@@deny'
? '❌ '
: '✅ '
: [];

return [`- ${op.toUpperCase()}`, rules].join('\n');

return `## ${}\n\n${policies}`;

return docs.join('\n\n');

Finally, compile the plugin code:

npx tsc

The JavaScript output should have been generated into the dist folder.

2. Testing the plugin

We can now add the plugin to our ZModel:

plugin markdown {
provider = './dist/markdown-plugin'
title = 'My Awesome Todo App'
description = 'A multi-tenant Todo application built with ZenStack.'
Plugin module resolution

When you use a relative path (starting with ".") in the "provider" field, ZenStack resolves the path relative to the ZModel file and loads the plugin module from it with require(). If the plugin is a published NPM package, use the package name directly in the "provider" field.

Now run the CLI to regenerate:

npx zenstack generate

You should see the following output and the file generated in the current directory:

⌛️ ZenStack CLI vx.y.z, running plugins
✔ Generating Prisma schema
✔ Generating PrismaClient enhancer
✔ Generating Zod schemas
✔ Running plugin markdown

👻 All plugins completed successfully!
Don't forget to restart your dev server to let the changes take effect.

3. Full source code

The sample plugin we implemented here is a simplified version of the zenstack-markdown plugin created by @jiashengguo. Besides outputting access policies, it also generates mini entity-relation diagrams in mermaid format.

Feel free to ask questions, give feedback, or report issues.

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