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Version: 1.x

RPC API Handler


The RPC-style API handler exposes CRUD endpoints that fully mirror PrismaClient's query API. Consuming the APIs feels like making RPC calls to a PrismaClient then. The API handler is not meant to be used directly; instead, you should use it together with a server adapter which handles the request and response API for a specific framework.

It can be created and used as the following:

import { NextRequestHandler } from '@zenstackhq/server/next';
import RPCApiHandler from '@zenstackhq/server/api/rpc';
import { getPrisma } from '../../lib/db';

export default NextRequestHandler({
handler: RPCApiHandler() // you can also omit it since `RPCApiHandler` is the default

Wire Format


For endpoints using GET and DELETE Http verbs, the query body is serialized and passed as the q query parameter. E.g.:

GET /api/post/findMany?q=%7B%22where%22%3A%7B%22public%22%3Atrue%7D%7D
  • Endpoint: /api/post/findMany
  • Query parameters: q -> { "where" : { "public": true } }

For endpoints using other HTTP verbs, the query body is passed as application/json in the request body. E.g.:

POST /api/post/create
{ "data": { "title": "Hello World" } }


The output shape conforms to the data structure returned by the corresponding PrismaClient API, wrapped into a data field. E.g.:

GET /api/post/findMany

"data": [ { "id": 1, "title": "Hello World" } ]


This section explains the details about data serialization. If you're using generated hooks to consume the API, the generated code already automatically deals with serialization for you, and you don't need to do any further processing.

ZenStack uses superjson to serialize and deserialize data - including the q query parameter, the request body, and the response body. Superjson generates two parts during serialization:

  • json:

    The JSON-compatible serialization result.

  • meta:

    The serialization metadata including information like field types that facilitates deserialization.

If the data only involves simple data types, the serialization result is the same as regular JSON.stringify, and no meta part is generated. However, for complex data types (like Bytes, Decimal, etc.), a meta object will be generated, which needs to be carried along when sending the request, and will also be included in the response.

The following part explains how the meta information is included for different situations:

  • The q query parameter

    If during superjson-serialization of the q parameter, a meta object is generated, it should be put into an object { serialization: meta }, JSON-stringified, and included as an additional query parameter meta. For example, if you have a field named bytes of Bytes type, and you may want to query with a filter like { where: { bytes: Buffer.from([1,2,3]) } }. Superjson-serializing the query object results in:

    "json": { "where": { "bytes": "AQID" } }, // base-64 encoded bytes
    "meta": { "values": { "where.bytes": [["custom","Bytes"]] } }

    Your query URL should look like:

    GET /api/post/findMany?q={"where":{"bytes":"AQID"}}&meta={"serialization":{"values":{"where.bytes":[["custom","Bytes"]]}}}
  • The request body

    If during superjson-serialization of the request body, a meta object is generated, it should be put into an object { serialization: meta }, and included as an additional field meta field in the request body. For example, if you have a field named bytes of Bytes type, and you may want to create a record with a value like { data: { bytes: Buffer.from([1,2,3]) } }. Superjson-serializing the request body results in:

    "json": { "bytes": "AQID" }, // base-64 encoded bytes
    "meta": { "values": { "bytes": [[ "custom", "Bytes" ]] } }

    Your request body should look like:

    POST /api/post/create

    "data": { "bytes": "AQID" },
    "meta": { "serialization": {"values": { "bytes": [[ "custom","Bytes" ]] } } }
  • The response body

    If during superjson-serialization of the response body, a meta object is generated, it will be put into an object { serialization: meta }, and included as an additional field meta field in the response body. For example, if you have a field named bytes of Bytes type, and a findFirst query returns { id: 1, bytes: Buffer.from([1,2,3]) }. Superjson-serializing the request body results in:

    "json": { "id": 1, "bytes":"AQID" }, // base-64 encoded bytes
    "meta": { "values": { "bytes": [[ "custom", "Bytes" ]] } }

    Your response body will look like:

    GET /api/post/findFirst

    "data": { "id": 1, "bytes": "AQID" },
    "meta": { "serialization": {"values": { "bytes": [[ "custom","Bytes"]] } } }

    You should use the meta.serialization field value to superjson-deserialize the response body.

Data Type Serialization Format

  • DateTime

    ISO 8601 string

  • Bytes

    Base64-encoded string

  • BigInt

    String representation

  • Decimal

    String representation


  • [model]/findMany

    Http method: GET

  • [model]/findUnique

    Http method: GET

  • [model]/findFirst

    Http method: GET

  • [model]/count

    Http method: GET

  • [model]/aggregate

    Http method: GET

  • [model]/groupBy

    Http method: GET

  • [model]/create

    Http method: POST

  • [model]/createMany

    Http method: POST

  • [model]/update

    Http method: PATCH or PUT

  • [model]/updateMany

    Http method: PATCH or PUT

  • [model]/upsert

    Http method: POST

  • [model]/delete

    Http method: DELETE

  • [model]/deleteMany

    Http method: DELETE

HTTP Status Code and Error Responses

Status code

The HTTP status code used by the endpoints follows the following rules:

  • create and createMany use 201 for success. Other endpoints use 200.
  • 403 is used for to indicate the request is denied due to lack of permissions, usually caused by access policy violation.
  • 400 is used for invalid requests, e.g., malformed request body.
  • 500 is used for other unexpected errors.

Error response format

// true to indicate the failure is due to a Prisma error
prisma?: boolean;

// true to indicate the failure is due to access policy violation
rejectedByPolicy?: boolean;

// original Prisma error code, available when `prisma` is true
code?: string;

// error message
message: string;

// extra reason about why a failure happened (e.g., 'RESULT_NOT_READABLE' indicates
// a mutation succeeded but the result cannot be read back due to access policy)
reason?: string;
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