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4 posts tagged with "programming"

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Programming is the art of trade-off

· 6 min read
Co-founder of ZenStack

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No matter what programming language you are using, one common suggestion you all probably hear is that:

Don’t use switch statements

Besides people usually forgetting to add the break statement, the more profound reason is that developers often avoid using special cases in their code. Instead, they prefer to use more flexible and powerful constructs such as polymorphism or dictionaries.

Exposing Databases to the Internet: Seriously?

· 6 min read
Co-founder of ZenStack

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One big piece of conventional wisdom for software operation is "never expose internal-facing services to the public", and databases (especially SQL databases) fall into that category. It's good advice because data stored in them are usually highly sensitive and indispensable to most systems' proper running. Investigations with honeypots showed that publicly open databases are discovered within hours after they become active and start getting attacked within a day. What's scarier than this is you often don't even know you ever had a data breach.

What Made Me Pay That $10/Mon For GitHub Copilot

· 6 min read
Co-founder of ZenStack

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I initially tried GitHub Copilot, just briefly, around the beginning of 2022. It raised my attention partly due to its name - I hold a private pilot license and have always been an aviation enthusiast. At that time, I found the idea intriguing, but the product usability was not so satisfactory: both in terms of speed and quality of generation. I started to reuse it about three months ago, and now it has become indispensable to me and worth every penny of that $10/mon that I pay.

What makes me a happy customer? Let's figure it out.