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4 posts tagged with "auth"

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When Embedded AuthN Meets Embedded AuthZ - Building Multi-Tenant Apps With Better-Auth and ZenStack

· 12 min read
Co-founder of ZenStack

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Building a full-fledged multi-tenant application can be very challenging. Besides having a flexible sign-up and sign-in system, you also need to implement several other essential pieces:

  • Creating and managing tenants
  • User invitation flow
  • Managing roles and permissions
  • Enforcing data segregation and access control throughout the entire application

It sounds like lots of work, and it indeed is. You may have done this multiple times if you're a veteran SaaS developer.

Building Multi-Tenant Apps Using StackAuth's "Teams" and Next.js

· 8 min read
Co-founder of ZenStack

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Building a full-fledged multi-tenant application can be very challenging. Besides having a flexible sign-up and sign-in system, you also need to implement several other essential pieces:

  • Creating and managing tenants
  • User invitation flow
  • Managing roles and permissions
  • Enforcing data segregation and access control throughout the entire application

It sounds like lots of work, and it indeed is. You may have done this multiple times if you're a veteran SaaS developer.

Building Multi-Tenant Apps Using Clerk's "Organization" and Next.js

· 8 min read
Co-founder of ZenStack

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Building a full-fledged multi-tenant application can be very challenging. Besides having a flexible sign-up and sign-in system, you also need to implement several other essential pieces:

  • Creating and managing tenants
  • User invitation flow
  • Managing roles and permissions
  • Enforcing data segregation and access control throughout the entire application

It sounds like lots of work, and it indeed is. You may have done this multiple times if you're a veteran SaaS developer.

Supabase RLS Alternative

· 14 min read
Co-founder of ZenStack

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A Short History of BaaS

In the early days of web and mobile app development, building a backend from scratch was laborious and error-prone. Developers had to manage servers, databases, and infrastructure and ensure scalability while writing the core business logic of their applications. Then came BaaS(Backend-as-a-Service), promising to liberate developers from this burden.